Monday, June 29, 2009

Josh and the Ducks

Josh has always loved going to see the ducks, but yesterday was the best trip to the park/lake yet. Josh has taken to saying "knock-knock" whenever he wants something, and he doesn't think people are paying attention. After we jogged to the park yesterday morning, Josh went to the lake and started saying "duck-duck". I explained that the ducks were swimming somewhere else, and Joshua started yelling "" over and over again. Sure enough, five ducks literally flew in to see Josh, which produced a very happy and proud little boy, who now thought he had summoned them on his own. Needless to say, I was laughing...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Long Overdue Joshua Update...

We cannot believe it has been almost seven months since we last posted a picture of Joshua! He is growing up very quickly, and when the camera is not nearby we are always trying to take "snapshots" with our minds so we don't forget any part of this special time. We are constantly amazed at the new things Joshua can do and say, and the adventure only continues to grow sweeter. One thing is for sure: his precious life continues to utterly overwhelm us with God's incredible grace, for we certainly do not deserve such an unbelievable blessing as him.
Here are some photos to make up for lost time...
Joshua now really enjoys riding his "car" around the house. In early June, we headed off to Miami with the McGown Family.
It was a wonderful trip and many happy memories were made together.
Joshua LOVED his first trip to the beach.

Joshua and cousin Hailey had a wonderful time dancing together on the boat.

First time experiencing the waves...
Watering the grass (and patio and everything else...) is one of Joshua's simple pleasures

Running through the Dallas Arboretum Sleeping on the couch while he had an early summer cold

Celebrating buddy Luke's first birthday!

Uncle Jay is always quick to help out when Joshua starts asking for "agua"

One of our favorite things to do when mommy gets home from work--DANCING! Up until recently when the heat index in Houston began to stick at over 100 degrees,
we spent lots of time playing in our backyard together...

Helping Daddy gather peaches from our peach tree Celebrating Joshua's "heritage" on Cinco de Mayo as he becomes bilingual
(thanks to Nanny Mirna!)

More fun with Luke

Not only eating on his own but now he helps us cook :)

Wonderful grandparents and daddy--thanks for the MANY trips to Houston
you made the last busy six months, Grammy and Grandpa!

Easter Riding in the fun train at the Easter Egg Hunt

Joshua loves his Grammy

Fun times in the spring bluebonnets

Gig'em, Joshua!

Feeding himself now

Winter 2009

Fun with buddy Luke

Thanking God for the memories,
Brian, Jenny, and Joshua