Monday, November 9, 2009

Tractor and Turkey

Well, this past weekend provided some fun times and cool surprises!  Our dear friends, the Penberthys, invited us to come hang out on their newly acquired 10 acres of land.  So we put our boots on and headed out to the country!  The boys had an awesome time riding in the tractor and the jeep (which they could both drive amazingly well for their age!)IMG_4585 IMG_4612 IMG_4608  IMG_4619 IMG_4618  IMG_4637IMG_4633IMG_4629   IMG_4641 photo Yes, we have an inflatable turkey in our front lawn.  The neighbor down the street saw how much Joshua loved it and gave it to us.  Pretty cool surprise since we would probably never spend the $ to buy one of these things.  Josh LOVES it!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Trick or Treat?

Joshua’s first “real” Halloween was this year and it was the most fun we have ever had going door to door looking for some candy!  Josh would run up to the door and yell “trick or treat” and then when the person would hand the candy to Josh he would say “thank you” and proceed to hand the candy back to them.  There were a couple homes that Josh refused…some included freaky midget skeleton talking man, one had a smoke machine and loud noises, and another had tons of zombies and severed heads….other than that it was all fun and games.IMG_0164

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Josh pushing his friend Tori around the block!IMG_0177

After a TON of trick or treating….well deserved rest!


Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Halloween Compromise


We could not decide between the pumpkin and the penguino so we decided to go with pumpkin last night at our church’s Fall Fest and tonight Josh will sport penguino! 


Josh’s good buddy, Luke, was a UPS delivery man…maybe one day he’ll run the company and this picture will be worth millions to a tabloid!

IMG_4548 TRICK OR TREAT!IMG_4520 They made a special home for Joshua at the Fall Fest.IMG_4532

Daddy’s two pumpkins!IMG_4521Grandpa and Grandma with lil’ pumpkin McGown IMG_4515 IMG_4518

Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween Costume? Help us decide….

The team is not great this year, but Joshua bleeds maroon for sure.fall 2009 995

His favorite thing about Halloween this year has been that lovely orange veggie (or is it a fruit?).fall 2009 1208Penguino has been around since last December and Joshua loves saying his name.  If we could only get him to walk like a penguin….

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Cowboy Joshua is the most complex costume and least practical.

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Well….We are only keeping one of these silly costumes.  You be the judge.


The weather in fall is amazing.  It is almost a shame to have to come inside when it gets late.  Here are a couple memories captured in pictures only days in the fall photo3 photo1 photo2

Monday, June 29, 2009

Josh and the Ducks

Josh has always loved going to see the ducks, but yesterday was the best trip to the park/lake yet. Josh has taken to saying "knock-knock" whenever he wants something, and he doesn't think people are paying attention. After we jogged to the park yesterday morning, Josh went to the lake and started saying "duck-duck". I explained that the ducks were swimming somewhere else, and Joshua started yelling "" over and over again. Sure enough, five ducks literally flew in to see Josh, which produced a very happy and proud little boy, who now thought he had summoned them on his own. Needless to say, I was laughing...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Long Overdue Joshua Update...

We cannot believe it has been almost seven months since we last posted a picture of Joshua! He is growing up very quickly, and when the camera is not nearby we are always trying to take "snapshots" with our minds so we don't forget any part of this special time. We are constantly amazed at the new things Joshua can do and say, and the adventure only continues to grow sweeter. One thing is for sure: his precious life continues to utterly overwhelm us with God's incredible grace, for we certainly do not deserve such an unbelievable blessing as him.
Here are some photos to make up for lost time...
Joshua now really enjoys riding his "car" around the house. In early June, we headed off to Miami with the McGown Family.
It was a wonderful trip and many happy memories were made together.
Joshua LOVED his first trip to the beach.

Joshua and cousin Hailey had a wonderful time dancing together on the boat.

First time experiencing the waves...
Watering the grass (and patio and everything else...) is one of Joshua's simple pleasures

Running through the Dallas Arboretum Sleeping on the couch while he had an early summer cold

Celebrating buddy Luke's first birthday!

Uncle Jay is always quick to help out when Joshua starts asking for "agua"

One of our favorite things to do when mommy gets home from work--DANCING! Up until recently when the heat index in Houston began to stick at over 100 degrees,
we spent lots of time playing in our backyard together...

Helping Daddy gather peaches from our peach tree Celebrating Joshua's "heritage" on Cinco de Mayo as he becomes bilingual
(thanks to Nanny Mirna!)

More fun with Luke

Not only eating on his own but now he helps us cook :)

Wonderful grandparents and daddy--thanks for the MANY trips to Houston
you made the last busy six months, Grammy and Grandpa!

Easter Riding in the fun train at the Easter Egg Hunt

Joshua loves his Grammy

Fun times in the spring bluebonnets

Gig'em, Joshua!

Feeding himself now

Winter 2009

Fun with buddy Luke

Thanking God for the memories,
Brian, Jenny, and Joshua